Below you will find an alphabetical list of ontologies and institutions/groups using BFO.
- ACGT Master Ontology (ACGT MO)
- Actionable Intelligence Retrieval System (AIRS)
- Addiction Ontology (Addict-O)
- Additive Manufacturing Ontology (AMO)
- Adolescent Depression Ontology (ADO)
- Advanced Manufacturing Basic Entity Relationships (AMBER) ontology
- Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Ontology
- Adverse Event Reporting Ontology (AERO)
- AFO Foundational Ontology
- African Wildlife Ontology (AWO)
- Agronomic Linked Data (AgroLD)
- AGRonomy Ontology (AGRO)
- Aircraft System Ontology
- Algorithm-Implementation-Execution Ontology Design Pattern
- Allotrope Merged Ontology Suite (AFO)
- Alzheimer Disease Ontology (ADO)
- Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Ontology (ADDO)
- Anatomy of the Insect Skeleto-Muscular system ontology (AISM)
- Animals in Context Ontology (ACO)
- Anthropological Notation Ontology (ANNO)
- Antimicrobial-Microorganism Ontology
- Apollo Structured Vocabulary (Apollo-SV)
- Argument Ontology (ARGO)
- ARIES (Arkansas Imaging Enterprise System) Knowledge Graph
- Assessment of Indian Economy During Covid-19 (INBANCIDO)
- Asset Management Ontology (AMODO)
- Autism-DSM-ADI-R Ontology (ADAR)
- Bacterial Clinical Infectious Diseases Ontology (BCIDO)
- Baden Württemberg Materials Digital Domain Ontology (BWMD)
- Baden Württemberg Materials Digital Mid Ontology (BWMD-MID Ontology)
- Bank Ontology
- Barcant Butterfly Collection (BBC) ontology
- Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Ontology
- Battle Management Ontology (BMO)
- Bayesian Verification Ontology Stack
- Behavior Change Intervention Ontology (BCIO)
- Behaviour Change Technique Ontology
- Behavior Perspective Model (BPM)
- Beta Cell Genomics Application Ontology (BCGO)
- Bio-Knowledge Network Ontology (BioKNO)
- BioAssay Ontology
- BioGateway (BGW)
- Bioinformatics Web Service Ontology (OBIWS)
- Biological Collections Ontology (BCO)
- The Biomarker Ontology (BMONT)
- Biomedical Burden Ontology (BBO)
- Biomedical Ethics Ontology
- Biomedical Grid Terminology (BiomedGT, retired)
- Biomedical Study - Lifecycle Management (BMS-LM) core ontology
- Biomimetic Ontology
- BioTop: a biomedical top-domain ontology
- Body Fluids Ontology (BFLO)
- Bone Dysplasia Ontology (BDO) (see also here)
- Building Information Management (BIM) domain ontology
- Brain Injury Knowledge Ontology (BIKO)
- Brinell Test Ontology-BFO (BTO-BFO)
- BWMD Domain Ontology
- BWMD Mid-Level Ontology
- BWMD Original Non-Modularized Ontology
- Cancer Cell Ontology (OncoCL)
- Cancer Chemoprevention Ontology (CanCo)
- Cardiovascular Disease Ontology (CVDO)
- Case Based Reasoning (CBR) Ontology
- Categorical Temporal Phenomenology
- Causal Pathway Ontology
- Cell Behavior Ontology (CBO)
- Cell Culture Ontology (CCONT)
- Cell Cycle Ontology
- Cell Expression, Localization, Development and Anatomy Ontology (CELDA)
- Cell Line Ontology (CLO)
- Cell Ontology: designed as a structured controlled vocabulary for cell types
- Cellular Microscopy Phenotype Ontology (CMPO)
- Character Computing Ontology (CCOnto)
- CHEBI Integrated Role Ontology (CHIRO)
- Chemical Analysis Ontology (CAO)
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI)
- Chemical Information Ontology (CHEMINF)
- Chemical Methods Ontology (CHMO)
- Children's Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR)
- Cholangiocarcinoma Ontology (CCAO)
- Chromatin Regulator Ontology (CHRO)
- CHRONIOUS Ontology Suite
- Cigarette Smoke Exposure Ontology (CSEO)
- Climate System Ontology (CSO)
- Clinical Data Integration Model (CDMO)
- Clinical LABoratory Ontology (LABO)
- Clinical Process Modelling Ontology (CPMO)
- Clinical Narrative Temporal Relation Ontology (CNTRO)
- Clinical Trial Protocol Ontology (CTP-O)
- Clinical Trials Ontology (CTO)
- Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) Analysis Ontology (CAO)
- Cognition-Guided Surgery (CGS) Ontology
- Cognitive Digital Twin (CDT) Ontology Framework
- Cognitive Paradigm Ontology (COGPO)
- Cognitive Process Ontology (CPO)
- Cognitive Twin (CT) Ontology
- Collaborative Learning Healthcare Systems (CLHS) ontology
- Collembola Anatomy Ontology (CLAO)
- Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (CARO): anatomical structures in all organisms
- Common Core Cyber Ontology (C3O)
- Common Core Ontologies (CCO)
- Common Space Systems Ontology (CoSSO)
- Communication Standards Ontology (CSO)
- Comparative Data Analysis Ontology (CDAO)
- Compliance and Reward Ontology (CaRO)
- Computational Neuroscience Ontology (CNO)
- Computer Aided Engineering Modeling Language (CAEML) Ontology
- Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology (CPRO)
- Conceptual Model Ontology (CMO)
- Contributor Role Ontology (CRO)
- Core Data Integration Model (CDIM)
- Core Ontology for Biology and Biomedicine
- Core Ontology for Describing Production Equipment (OCore)
- Coriell Cell Line Ontology
- Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO)
- COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology (IDO-COVID-19)
- COVID-19 Ontology (COVID-19)
- CPR Ontology for the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) Computer-Based Patient Record Ontology
- Critical Minerals Ontology (CMO)
- Crop Planning and Production Process Ontology (C3PO)
- Cultural Heritage Objects Patrimonialization Ontology (HOpatr)
- Culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality Ontology (CRENO)
- Cognitive Digital Twin Ontology for CyberSecurity (Cybonto)
- Cyber Information Ontology
- Cybonto Conceptual Framework
- Dairy Cattle Performance Ontology (DCPO)
- Darwin Core
- Data Collection Ontology (GDCO)
- Data Integration Aggregated Model for Nuclear Deployment (DIAMOND)
- Data Model for Representing Biographical Information for Prosopography (Bio-CRM)
- Data Use Ontology (DUO) see also here
- Data Set Knowledge Graph (DSKG)
- Decision Ontology
- Decision Support System for Liver Disease Prediction
- D3FEND-CCO Mapping (D3CO)
- Deontic Ontology
- Diabetes mellitus Diagnosis Ontology (DDO)
- Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Ontology (DMTO)
- Digital Construction Ontologies (DiCon) Suite
- Digital Engineering Framework for Integration and Interoperability (DEFII)
- Digital Objects in Philosophy Ontology (DOPHO)
- Digital Twin Ontology
- Digital Twin Ontology Framework for Manufacturing
- Digital Twin Network
- Disaster Management Ontology (DMO)
- Document Act Ontology (D-Acts)
- Drosophila Phenotype Ontology (DPO)
- Drug Database for Inborn Errors of Metabolism Ontology (DDIEM)
- Drug Interaction Ontology (DIO)
- Drug Ontology (DrOn)
- Drug Repurposing Ontology (DRO)
- Drug-drug Interaction Evidence Ontology (DIDEO)
- Drug-drug Interaction Ontology (DINTO)
- E-Cigarette Ontology (E-CigO)
- Eagle-I Research Resource Ontology (ERO)
- Echinoderm Anatomy and Development Ontology (ECAO)
- The Ecosystem Ontology (ECSO)
- EifcOWL (Enhanced Ontology for the Construction Industry Foundation Classes) see also here
- Electrocardiography Ontology (ECG)
- ELEctronic knowledge base for Clinicians, Trainers and Researchers in Child Abuse (ELECTRICA) Ontology
- Eligibility Criteria Ontology (EC-O)
- Email Ontology
- Emotion Ontology (EMO): an ontology to describe affective phenomena
- ENanoMapper (ENM)
- End of Life (EoL) Domain Ontology
- Energy System Ontology (ESO)
- Engineering-to-BioMimetic Ontology (E2BMO)
- Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) Ontology
- Environment Ontology (ENVO)
- ENVOn (3D shape ontology)
- Epidemiology Ontology (EPO)
- Epigenome Ontology (EGO)
- Epilepsy and Seizure Ontology (EPSO)
- EpilepsyOntology (EPIO)
- Ethically Driven Robotics and Automation Systems (ERAS) Ontology
- Ethnicity Ontology (EO)
- European Materials Modeling Ontology (EMMO)
- Event-Based Functional Behavior Ontology (EFBO)
- Event-Based Ontology for Historical Description (EOHD)
- Evolution Ontology (EO)
- Exercise Medicine Ontology (EXMO)
- (EXperimental ACTions) Biomedical Protocol Ontology (EXACT2)
- Experimental Factor Ontology (EFO)
- Exposé: an ontology for data mining experiments
- eXtended Formal Ontology (XFO)
- FASTO Ontology (incorporates BFO, FHIR, CPG,and SSN)
- Fatigue Test Ontology (FTO)
- Feedback Intervention Ontology (FIO)
- Financial Documents Ontology (FIN)
- Fission Yeast Phenotype Ontology (FYPO)
- Flower-Visiting Domain Ontology (FV)
- Known Flower-Visiting Group Domain Ontology (KFG)
- Flower-Visiting Behavior Application Ontology (FVB)
- Observation-Date Application Ontology (OBD)
- Flybase Drosophila Anatomy Ontology (DAO)
- Flybase Drosophila Phenotype Ontology (FYPO)
- Food Ontology (FoodOn)
- Food Recipe Ingredient Substitution Ontology (FRISO)
- Food-Energy-Water Systems Ontology (FEWsONT)
- Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA)
- Framework for Semantic Workflow Composition in the Geology Domain
- FuTRES Ontology of Vertebrate Traits (FOVT)
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Ontology (GIEO)
- Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) ontology
- Gene Ontology (GO)
- Gene Regulation Ontology (GRO)
- General Information Model (GIM)
- Genesis Ontology
- GENIAL! Basic Ontology (GBO)
- Genomic Epidemiology Application Ontology (GenEpiO)
- Genomic Feature and Variation Ontology (GFVO)
- Genomics Integrated Biobanking Ontology (GIBO)
- Genotype Ontology (GENO)
- GeoCore Geology Ontology see also here
- GeoFault Ontology
- Geographical Entity Ontology (GEO)
- Geological Spatial Relations Ontology
- GeoReservoir ontology for deep-marine depositional system geometry
- Gestalt: Federated Access to Cyber Observables for Detection of Targeted Attack
- Global Code Book Ontology (GCBO)
- Global Electronic Health Record Ontology (G-EHR-O)
- Glyco-Enzyme Pathway and Molecular Function Ontology (GlycoEnzOnto)
- Graphs, Objects, Points, Properties, Roles, and Relationships Ontology (GOPPRRE) with extensions
- Ground Vehicle Simulation Modeling Ontology (GVSMO)
- Healthy City (HC) Ontology
- Health Data Ontology Trunk (HDOT)
- Health Surveillance Ontology (HSO)
- Hemocomponents and Hemoderivatives Ontology (HEMONTO)
- Hercules Network of Ontologies (ROH)
- HERMES 4D Printing Ontology
- Homeostasis Imbalance Process Ontology (HoIP)
- Host Pathogen Interactions Ontology (HPO)
- Human Activity and Infrastructure Foundry (HAIF)
- Human Disease Ontology (DOID)
- Human Experience Realist Ontology (HERO)
- Human Interaction Network Ontology (HINO)
- Human Physiology Simulation Ontology (HuPSON) (see also here)
- Hypertension Ontology (HTN)
- IDEAS expAnded wiTh BCIO (SATO)
- Imaging Biomarker Ontology (IBO)
- Incose Digital Engineering Information Exchange (DEIX) Ontology
- Industrial Data Ontology (IDO)
- Industrial Ontologies Foundry (IOF) Core Ontology
- Industrial Ontology Foundry (IOF) Maintenance Reference Ontology
- Industrial Production Workflow Ontologies (InPro)
- Industry 4.0 Field Device (I40FD) ontology
- Industry Skills and Professions Ontology (ISPO)
- Infectious Disease Ontology
- Influenza Ontology (FLU)
- Information Artifact Ontology (IAO)
- Information Security Domain (ISD) ontology
- Informed Consent Ontology (ICO)
- Innovative Capabilities of Additive Manufacturing (ICAM) Ontology
- Integrated Framework for Additively Manufactured Products (IFAMP) ontology
- Integrative and Conjugative Element Ontology (ICEO)
- Interaction Network Ontology (INO)
- Interdisciplinary Prostate Ontology Project (IPOP)
- International Center for Food Ontology, Operability, Data and Semantics (IC-FOODS)
- International Classification of Diseases Ontology (ICDO)
- uc_Eating: an ontology for the characterization of eating, drinking and otherwise consuming foods
- uc_FoodDrugInteractionOntology: an ontology for the characterization of interactions between foods and drugs
- uc_Milk: an ontology for the characterization of mammalian milks
- uc_Processing: an ontology for the characterization of processing methods and the products they engender
- uc_Sense: an ontology for the characterization of sensory perception, qualities, and attributes
- Interoperability and Integration Framework (IoIF)
- Intervention Setting Ontology
- Intracranial Aneurysm (ICA) Ontology
- Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring Document Ontology (IOMDO)
- Invasion Biology Ontology (INBIO)
- IoT-based Management of Infectious Disease Ontology (IoT-MIDO)
- ISA Infrastructure for the Biosciences
- Iranian Traditional Medicine General Ontology (IrGO)
- Joining Process Ontology (JPO)
- Kidney Tissue Atlas Ontology (KTAO)
- Kinship Ontology
- Knowledge-Augmented Maintenance Model for Sustainable Manufacturing (KARMA)
- Knowledge Base Of Biomedicine (KaBOB)
- Knowledge Graph for Dementia (DemKG)
- Knowledge Object Implementation Ontology (KOIO)
- Knowledge Object Reference Ontology (KORO)
- Laser Powder Bed Fusion Ontology (LPBFO)
- Levee System Ontology (LSO)
- Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Ontology
- Life Ontology (LIFO)
- Lipid Ontology
- Literary Theme Ontology (LTO)
- Machine Learning Schema (ML-Schema) ontology
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisition and Analysis Ontology (MRIO)
- Maintainability Design Ontology for Complex prOducts (MDOCO)
- Maintenance Activity Reference Ontology
- Maintenance Motion State Sequence Ontology (MMSSO)
- Maintenance Work Order (MWO) ontology
- Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Restriction Ontology (MRO)
- Malaria Ontology (IDOMAL)
- Mammalian Feeding Muscle Ontology (MFMO)
- Manufacturing Process Ontology (MPO)
- Manufacturing Service Description Language (MSDL) ontology
- Manufacturing Supply Chain Ontology (MSCO)
- Materials Data Science (MDS) Ontology
- Material Science and Engineering Ontology (MSEO)
- Matwerk Ontology (MWO)
- Mechanical Testing Ontology (MTO)
- Mechanisms of Action (MoA) Ontology
- Medical Action Ontology (MAxO)
- Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Ontology (MIDO)
- Medication Adherence Behavior Ontology (MAB-Ontology)
- MFO Mental Disease Ontology (MFO-MD)
- Mental Functioning Ontology (MF)
- Microbiology Ontology (MicrO)
- Microbial Conditions Ontology (MCO)
- (Microbial) Typing Ontology (TypOn)
- Middle Layer Ontology for Clinical Care (MLOCC)
- Military Ontology
- Military Scenario Ontology (MSO)
- Minimum Information Model for Patient Safety (MIMPS)
- Minimum PDDI Information Ontology (MPIO)
- miRNAO: an Ontology Unfolding the Domain of microRNAs
- MIRO and IRbase: IT Tools for the Epidemiological Monitoring of Insecticide Resistance in Mosquito Disease Vectors
- Mission and Means Framework (MMF) Ontology
- Mixture of Domain (MoD) Ontologies
- MOCA (Multi-attribute Ontology-based Criticality Analysis)
- Modal Relation Ontology (MRO)
- Mode of Delivery (MoD) Ontology
- Model Card Report Ontology (MCRO)
- Model for Clinical Information (MCI)
- Model for Describing Insect Anatomical Structures (MoDIAS)
- Modern Conflict Ontology (MCO)
- Modular Environmental Modeling Ontology (MEMOn)
- Modular Maintenance Ontology (IOF-MAINT)
- Molecular Process Ontology (MOP)
- Mouse Pathology Ontology (MPATH)
- Multiple Aspects Maintenance Ontology (MuAMO)
- Name Reaction Ontology (RXNO)
- Nanoparticle Ontology (NPO): Ontology for Cancer Nanotechnology Research
- Nanoparticles Impact on Human Cell morphology Ontology (NIHCO)
- National Research Data Infrastructure for Data Science Ontology (NFDI4DSO)
- Neurodegenerative Disease Data Ontology (NDDO)
- Neomark Oral Cancer Ontology (NEOMARK4)
- Neural Electromagnetic Ontologies (NEMO): Ontology-based Tools for Representation and Integration of Event-related Brain Potentials
- Neural Electronic Interface Ontology
- Neuron Phenotype Ontology (NPOKB)
- Neuropsychological Integrative Ontology (NIO)
- NeuroPsychological Testing Ontology (NPT)
- Neuroscience Information Framework (see also here)
- NFDIcore 2.0 (German) National Research Data Infrastructure ontology
- NIMS Polymer Database (PoLyInfo) Ontology
- NLighten Ontology (NLN)
- NMDC Ontology (NMDCO)
- NMR-Controlled Vocabulary (NMR)
- NMR-Instrument Component of Metabolomics Investigations Ontology
- Non-Coding RNA Ontology (NCRO)
- Nuclear Design Ontology
- OBDMR: An Ontology-Based Data Model for Railways
- OBR Scolio (scoliosis) ontology
- OCD Ontology (OCD)
- Ocular Disease Ontology (ODO)
- Ocular Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Ontology (OcIMIDo)
- The Occupation Ontology (OccO)
- Offshore Petroleum Production Plant Ontology (O3PO)
- OncoCL-KB: Knowledgebase for Integration of Clinical and Molecular Cancer Data
- OntoAlign++: A Combined Strategy for Improving Ontologies Alignment
- OntoBuildableSpace Ontology
- OntoDM Core
- OntoForInfoScience
- Ontologies for Representing Surgical Procedure Models (OntoSPM)
- Ontologies for the Emergency Road Vehicle Domain
- Ontologized Minimum Information About BIobank data Sharing (OMIABIS)
- Ontology Based Clinical Decision Support System for Geriatrics
- Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA)
- Ontology Based Decision Support System for Tuberculosis Management and Control
- Ontology-Based Editor for Manuscript Transcription and Annotation
- Ontology-Based eXtensible Data Model (OBX)
- Ontology-Based Generation of Causal Graphs (CGs)
- Ontology-Driven Information System (ODIS)/Ontology-Driven Scenario Generator (ODSG)
- Ontology for Adverse Events (OAE)
- Ontology for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Ontology for Biobanking (OBIB)
- Ontology for Biofilms (BIFO)
- Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI)
- The Ontology for Biomedical Investigation based Inner Ear Electrophysiology (OBI_IEE)
- Ontology for Cancer research variables (OCRV)
- Ontology for Computable Eligibility Criteria - Hepatitis C Virus (OCEC-HCV)
- Ontology for Dengue Fever (IDODEN)
- Ontology for Documentation of Variable/Data Source Selection (ODVDS)
- Ontology for Drug Discovery Investigations (DDI)
- Ontology for ELEctronic tool for Clinicians, Trainers and Researchers In Child Abuse (ELECTRICA)
- Ontology for Energy Investigations (OEI)
- Ontology for Functionally Graded Materials (OFGM)
- Ontology for General Medical Science (OGMS)
- Ontology for Genes and Genomes - Mouse (OGG-MM)
- Ontology for Genetic Interval (OGI)
- Ontology for Genetic Susceptibility Factor (OGSF)
- Ontology for Guiding Appropriate Antibiotic Prescribing
- Ontology for Information Science (OntoforInforScience)
- Ontology for Laparoscopic Surgeries (LapOntoSPM)
- Ontology for MIcroRNA Target Prediction (OMIT) (here)
- Ontology for Newborn Screening and Translational Research (ONSTR)
- Ontology for Next Generation Sequencing Experiments (NGS Ontology)
- Ontology for Nutritional Epidemiology (ONE)
- Ontology for Nutritional Studies (ONS)
- Ontology for Pain and Related Disability, Mental Health and Quality of Life (OPMQoL)
- Ontology for Parasite LifeCycle (OPL)
- Ontology for Periodontitis (PERIO)
- Ontology for Petroleum Production
- Ontology for Prognostic Health Management (PHM) in Spacecraft Avionics
- Ontology for Representing CDM Semantics (ORCS)
- Ontology for Stem Cell Investigations (OSCI)
- Ontology for the Description of Scientific Research Data (Metadate4Ing)
- Ontology for the Documentation of Variable Selection and Data source Selection and Integration (OD-ATTEST)
- Ontology for the Study of Biofilms (BIFO)
- Ontology for Thoracentesis
- Ontology of Autonomous Driving Based on the SAE J3016 Standard
- Ontology of Arthropod Circulatory Systems (OArCS)
- Ontology of Biological and Clinical Statistics (OBCS)
- Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA)
- Ontology of Bipolar Disorders (OBD)
- Ontology of Cancer Related Social-Ecological Variables (OCRSEV)
- Ontology of Card Sleights
- Ontology of Cardiovascular Drug Adverse Events (OCVDAE)
- Ontology of Chinese Medicine for Rheumatism (OCMR)
- Ontology of Clinical Research (OCRe)
- Ontology of Commercial Exchange (OCE)
- Ontology of Core Data Mining Entities (OntoDM-CORE)
- Ontology of Datatypes (OntoDT)
- Ontology of Drug Adverse Events Events (ODAE)
- Ontology of Drug Neuropathy Adverse Events (ODNAE)
- Ontology of Electronics (OOE)
- Ontology of Experimental Variables and Values (OOEVV)
- Ontology of Genes and Genomes (OGG)
- Ontology of Genetic Disease Investigations (OGDI)
- Ontology of Hemotherapy (HEMONTO)
- Ontology of Host-Microbe Interactions (OHMI)
- Ontology of Host-Pathogen Interactions (OHPI)
- Ontology of Laboratory Animal Medicine (OLAM)
- Ontology of Medical Microbiology (OntoMic)
- Ontology of Medically Related Social Entities (OMRSE)
- Ontology of Microbial Phenotypes (OMP)
- Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma systems and Trauma centers (OOSTT)
- Ontology of Phenomenological Psychopathology (OPheP)
- Ontology of Precision Medicine and Investigation (OPMI)
- Ontology of RNA Sequencing (ORNASEQ)
- Ontology of Social Participation (OPS)
- Ontology of Tobacco, Nicotine and Vaping Products
- Ontology of Systems Engineering
- Ontology of Vaccine Adverse Events (OVAE)
- Open Energy Ontology (OEO)
- Open Model-Based Engineering Environment (OpenMBEE)
- Operational Environment Ontology (OEO)
- Optimization Algorithm Benchmarking Ontology (OPTION-ONTOLOGY)
- Oral Health and Disease Ontology (OHD)
- Orbital Verification Ontology Stack (OVOS)
- Organization Ontology Based on ROR
- ORMA+ Ontology for Reliability Centered Maintenance
- PACIFIC Cardiology Ontology
- Parasite Experiment Ontology (PEO)
- Part-Focused Manufacturing Process Ontology (PMPO)
- Pathogen Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology (PHIPO)
- Patient Safetry Categorial Structure (PS-CAST)
- Performance Summary Display Ontology (PSDO)
- Petrochemical Ontology
- PetroKGraph
- Petroleum Geoimage Ontology
- PGxO Pharmacogenomics Ontology
- Phenotypic Quality Ontology (PaTO): qualities of biomedical entities
- Photovoltaic Ontology (PVO)
- Physics-Based Simulation Ontology (PSO-Physics and PSO-Sim)
- Planarian Anatomy and Developmental Stage Ontology (PLANA)
- Planarian Phenotype Ontology (PLANP)
- Plant Experimental Assay Ontology (PEAO)
- Plant Ontology (PO)
- Plant Phenology Ontology (PPO)
- Plant Stress Ontology (PLANTSO)
- Plastic Rock Deformation (PRD) ontology
- Platform Material Digital Core Ontology (PMDCo)
- Pneumonia Diagnosis Ontology (PNADO)
- Pneumonia Ontology
- PO2/TransformON
- POLARISC Emergency Response System Ontology
- Polymat (Polymer Membrance research) ontology
- Ponte Ontology Platform (PONTE)
- Population and Community Ontology (PCO)
- Population Health Record (PopHR)
- Porifera Ontology (PORO)
- Pre-Eclampsia Ontology (PEO)
- Precision Medicine Ontology (PMO)
- PreOptique Platform for Integrated Pre-surgery Reports
- Prescription of Drugs Ontology (PDRO)
- Printing Information Modelling Ontology (PIM-O)
- PRISM: A Platform for Imaging inPrecision Medicine
- Process and Observation Ontology (PO2)
- Process Chemistry Ontology
- Product Life Cycle Ontology for Additive Manufacturing
- PRoduct ONTOlogy (PRONTO)
- Product Service System (PSS) Ontology
- Proper Name Ontology (PNO)
- PROSPECT-IDR: Personalised Prediction of Infectious Disease Risk
- Protein Conformation Ontology (PRC)
- Protein Ontology (PRO): protein types and modifications classified on the basis of evolutionary relationships
- Protein-Ligand Interaction Ontology (PLIO)
- Provenir ontology for provenance modeling
- Provisional Cell Ontology (PCL)
- Public Safety and Emergency Management (PS/EM) Communications Ontology
- QROWD urban traffic and mobility ontology
- Quality of Service (QoS) Ontology
- Radiation Biology Ontology (RBO)
- Rare-Earth Elements (REE) Mineral System Ontology
- Reactions and Catalysis (Reac4Cat) ontology
- Reference Ontology for Expert-Bound Processes in Manufacturing (ROXANA)
- Reference Ontology for FISH (FAIR in vivo data Sharing platform)
- Relations Ontology (RO)
- Reliability Assessment for Assembly Stations (RAAS) Ontology
- ReRiskOnto
- Resilient Crisis-Relevant Supply Networks Ontology (ResKriVer)
- Rescue Ontology (ResOnt)
- RFID System Configuration Ontology (RFID SCO)
- RNA Ontology (RnaO): RNA features, interactions and motifs
- Robotic Capability Ontology (RCO)
- Rock Plastic Deformation (RPD) ontology
- Role Ontology (ROLEO)
- ROMAIN industrial maintenance ontology
- Saliva Ontology (SALO)
- Schistosomiasis Process Ontology (IDOSCHISTO)
- Scientific Evidence and Provenance Information Ontology (SEPIO)
- Search engine Optimization Ontology (SEO)
- Sefaria Topics
- Semantic Common Data Model (SCDM)
- Semantic Electronic Health Record (SEHR) Model from Linked2Safety (see also here)
- Semantic Laminated Composites Knowledge management System (SLACKS)
- Semantic Materials Manufacturing Design (SEMMD) Ontology
- Semantic Reference Model for Individualization of Information Processes
- Semantic Systems Engineering Ontology (SESO)
- Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO)
- Senselab Ontology with applications to NeuronDB and BrainPharm
- Sentinel: Platform for Semantic Enrichment of Media Streams
- Sequence Ontology (SO): features and properties of nucleic sequences
- Shop-Floor Digital Twin (DT) ontology
- Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM)
- Situated and Interactive Multimodal Conversations
- Situation Awareness Ontology (SAO)
- Sketch Map Ontology
- Skin Physiology Ontology (SPO)
- Sleep Domain Ontology (SDO)
- SMART Protocols: SeMAntic RepresenTation for Experimental Protocols
- Smart Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (SUOG) Ontology
- SNOMED CT (SCT) Standard Ontology
- Social Determinants of Health Ontology (SDoHO)
- Social Psychology Ontology (SPO)
- Socialog Ontology for Social Simulation
- Software Ontology (SWO)
- Software, Disabilities and Competences Ontology (SODIC)
- Soil Food Web Ontology
- Space Domain Ontologies (SDO)
- Space Life Sciences Ontology (SLSO)
- Space Object Ontology (SOO)
- Spatial Graph Adapter (SGA) Ontology Design Pattern
- Spatial Relation Ontology
- Spatiotemporal Ontology for the Administrative Units of Switzerland (SONADUS)
- Special Nuclear Materials Detection Ontology (SNM-DO)
- Statistics Ontology (STATO)
- STATO-LMM Linear Mixed Model Ontology
- Style of Delivery Ontology
- Subcellular Anatomy Ontology (SAO)
- Suggested Ontology for Pharmacogenomics (SO-Pharm)
- Supply and Demand Open Knowledge Network (SUDOKN) ontology
- Supply Chain Traceability Ontology
- Surface Water Ontology (SWO)
- Survey Ontology
- Sustainability Core Ontology (SCO)
- Sustainable Development and Climate (SDC) Ontology
- Symptomatic Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Ontology (STMSO)
- Taxonomy for Rehabilitation of Knee Conditions (TRAK)
- Terminologia Anatomica Humana
- terms4FAIRskills (T4FS)
- The Common Rule Ontology (CRO)
- The Trope Ontology
- Time Event Ontology (TEO)
- Tissue and Organ Transplant Ontology (TOTO)
- Toxic Process Ontology (TXPO)
- Trade-Space Analysis Tool for Constellations (TAT-C) ontology
- Traditional Chinese Drugs Ontology (TCDO)
- Translational Medicine Ontology (TMO)
- Transportation System Ontology
- TruSpark Hyper-Automation Platform
- Tumour-Node-Metastasis Ontology (TNM-O)
- Uber Anatomy Ontology (UBERON)
- UMass Engineering Core Ontologies
- United Nations SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Ontology Framework
- United Nations System Document Ontology (ONTO-UNDO)
- Universal Core Semantic Layer
- Vaccination Informed Consent Ontology (VICO)
- Vaccine Investigation Ontology (VIO)
- Vaccine Ontology (VO)
- Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Ontology
- Vertebrate Breed Ontology (VBO)
- Vickers Test Ontology (VTO)
- Viral Disease Ontology Trunk (VDOT)
- Virtual Entity (VE) Ontology
- Virtual Materials Marketplace (VIMMP) Ontologies
- Virus Infectious Disease Ontology (VIDO)
- Visual Inspection Ontology (VIO)
- Visualized Emotion Ontology (VEO)
- Vital Sign Ontology (VSO)
- Vector-Borne Disease (VBD) Ontology
- VEuPathDB Ontology (EUPATH)
- VIVO Ontology
- VIVO-Integrated Semantic Framework (VIVO-ISF)
- Volcanism Ontology (VO)
- Wetland Monitoring Ontology (WMO)
- Wind Turbine Project
- Women with Epilepsy of Child-Bearing Age Ontology (WWECA)
- Xenopus Anatomy Ontology (XAO)
- Xenopus Phenotype Ontology (XPO)
- yOWL: ontology-driven knowledge base for yeast biologists
- ZEMELA Intelligent Agriculture Platform
Institutions, Groups and Projects
- Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, New York
- Allotrope Foundation: Rethinking Scientific Data
- Arlis
- AstraZeneca
- Astrion
- Bentley Software, Inc.
- Berkeley Bioinformatics Open-Source Projects (BBOP)
- Biomedical Knowledge Engineering Lab at Seoul National University (SNU BiKE)
- Biomedical Ontologies, University of Arkansas, Medical Center, Little Rock
- Boeing
- Brain Operation Database (BODB)
- Cambridge Semantics
- Center for e-Design
- Certus
- Clinical Information Science (see also here)
- Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, UK
- CTSAconnect
- Darwin Core (DwC) (see also here)
- DeciSym
- Division of Biomedical Ontology
at theUniversity at Buffalo Department of Biomedical Informatics
- DOQS: Data-Oriented Quality Solutions
- DSpace at NTNUA
- Dumontier Lab
- Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
- Elsevier Smart Content Strategy
- eNanoMapper
- Extensible Neuroimaging Archive Toolkit (XNAT)
- Improvado
- Incose Digital Engineering Working Group
- Influenza Research Database (IRD)
- INRIA Lorraine Research Unit
- Institute for Defense Analysis
- Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
- Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
- Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
- KadSci
- Kobe University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Sociomedical Informatics
- L3 Data Tactics Corporation (see also here)
- Language and Computing Bought by Nuance
- libryo
- Medical University Graz - Institute of Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation
- National Center for Multi-Source Information Fusion
- OntoCAT
- OntoCOG
- University at Buffalo Referent Tracking Unit
- openEHR
- Patagonia Purpose Trust
- Petrobras
- Praxis: EMR research on interoperability and query of clinical records
- Raft
- Raytheon Technologies (RTX)
- Roche
- RocketUrBiz
- Saitama University - Faculty of Liberal Arts (see also here)
- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
- ScienceCast
- Securboration
- Semantic Arts
- Scania
- Science Commons
- Summit Knowledge Solutions
- Neurocommons
- SMART Protocols
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- TRADOC Operational Environment Center
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Center of Excellence for Geospatial Information Science (CEGIS)
- University of Arizona Stack (UOAS)
- University of South Alabama - School of Computing - South Biomedical Informatics (SBI) Research Group (see also here )
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (see also here )
- University of Washington - Structural Informatics Group (SIG)
- Virus Pathogen Resource (ViPR)
- VIVO: An interdisciplinary national network enabling collaboration and discovery between scientists
- Volley: AI-powered learning hub
- WTI Solutions
Good Ontology Design (GoodOD)